Below you can find links to external media coverage of The , recent award wins, and official press releases.

For further press inquiries, or to arrange an interview with one of The ’s founders, please contact Heather Jannaway at


Media Coverage

Mar. 17, 2023// - “Exploring and Developing Creativity with Your Kids”

Oct. 12, 2022// - “Why Constraint Breeds Creativity”

Oct. 5, 2022// - “The greatest helmet of all time: a story of inclusion and creative problem solving”

Sep. 29, 2022// - “Innovation at Work”

Jun. 19, 2021// - “Entrepreneur Fiona Stevenson from The ”

Apr. 28, 2021// - “Shelli Baltman and Fiona Stevenson on pandemic burnout”

Oct. 28, 2020// - “Finding your pivot is about asking the right questions”

Oct. 15, 2020// - “Pivoting to virtual, female-founded innovation agency The thrives amid the pandemic”

Oct. 05, 2020// - “The terrifying truth of running a small agency in a pandemic”

Sep. 29, 2020// - “How it feels to fight for your business’s survival through the COVID-19 pandemic”

Sep. 25, 2020// - “Toronto female-founded innovation agency The ranked as one of Canada's Top Growing Companies for the second year in a row”

Nov. 01, 2019// - “BMO's $3-billion fund for women-owned businesses taps into segment growing faster than any other”

Sep. 30, 2019// - “Toronto female-founded innovation agency The is ranked as one of Canada's Top Growing Companies”

Jan. 11, 2017// - “Why do ‘big ideas’ seem so elusive?”

Awards and Rankings





