Art Director and Graphic Designer

Moira Stevenson

What part of your job brings you the most energy? Why?

I love that visual communication transcends barriers of language, age, race and gender. The more you simplify your design the truer this is. Creating visually pleasing and clear marketing materials brings people in vs shutting them out and as a result, encourages people to want to learn more.


What are the beliefs that drive the way you think/make decisions? 

Everything is possible. When a client is in a bind and I can save the day, it's very rewarding. That's why my default answer is "No problem," because the fact is, there's always a solution and always enough time in the day to deliver. 


What are your favourite things to do outside of work?

Every day I try to write and go for a long walk... and both of these activities are made even better with my adorable pets by my side.

What would you put on a billboard? 

"Dreams don't work unless you do."

