President, Co-Founder

Shelli Baltman

What part of your job brings you the most energy? Why?

I love cracking the impossible challenge with my clients.  Nothing brings me more satisfaction than working through insights, having great ideas and then solving the seemingly insurmountable problem in a way that’s going to drive the business.  That moment of joy when a new solution presents itself can’t be beat.

What are the beliefs that drive the way you think/make decisions? 

Great innovation comes from great people working together with enthusiasm and focusing their energy on the customer.  When you put the customer first and find ways to make the business work around their needs, great things happen.

What are your favourite things to do outside of work? 

I love skiing and being in nature.  Creativity takes a ton of focus and energy, and being outdoors is a great way to recharge.

What would you put on a billboard? 

"Do the right thing every day, and the results will follow."



  • Innovation Division, Hotspex, Founder & President

  • ?What If! Innovation, NYC, USA, Business & Client Development Leader

  • ?What If! Innovation, London, UK, Managing Director

  • McKinsey & Co, London, UK

  • INSEAD MBA Program